Interim Management
Interim management can offer you a short-term solution to an immediate problem or it can offer you the chance to bring in new skills and experience without a long term commitment.
Our consultants are available on a flexible basis. All our team have experience in interim management and we have a range of skills and backgrounds which means we can offer you the very best solution to your needs.
Interim management - What is it?
Interim management is the temporary provision of management resources and skills. Interim management can be seen as the short-term assignment of a proven senior interim executive manager to manage a period of transition, crisis or change within an organisation. In this situation, a permanent role may be unnecessary or impossible to find on short notice. Additionally, there may be nobody internally who is suitable for, or available to take up, the position in question. - Wikipedia
Interim Management - The Benefits
Your Interim manager can start with days with no or minimum recruitment costs
With experience comes knowledge which you can tap into for the benefit of the whole business.
Interims also act as a sounding board for senior managers
Whether it be hours or working days or locations our interim managers are flexible to suit your needs.
Interim managers expect to be judged on results and we always ask you to agree the project objectives and how the results will be measured before we start
Please call 01462 700 432 or message for more details
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All our open programmes are available with a 3 for 2 booking offer
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